Monday, September 29, 2008

New Web Site; Call for Photos and Videos

As you might have seen, we've been upgrading the Pure Stock Drags web site over the past week or two. Check it out, and let us know what you think.

As soon as we have the 2009 event information, we'll update those portions of the site as well.

Also, if you've uploaded your Pure Stock Drags pictures or videos to an online site (such as YouTube, Flickr, Photobucket, etc.), please send us the link. (Don't attach the pictures to the e-mail--just send the link.) We'll post these links for other Pure Stockers to see.

Finally, if you use a news reader (such as My Yahoo or Google Reader), you can now subscribe to the Pure Stock Drags site feed. Look for the "Subscribe..." links on our site.

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